On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:01 AM, James Mathews wrote:
Lt. General U. S. GrantCommander,All Union ArmiesBrig. General M. BurbankCommanderNew England BrigadeMajor D. EricksonCommandant (acting);US Corps of the Topographical EngineersHonored Sirs;I beg your indulgence to make my Engineering Report of the restoration efforts at the subject fortification, dated August 29, 1863, (#08292012).In Attendance:>>>Brig. Gen. Ian Mckay;>>>Major James Duarte;>>>First LT. Greg Webster;>>>2nd Lt. John Proctor;>>>Lady Heidi Webster;>>>Lady Margaret Mathews.Material Delivered to the Fort:>>>One small can of white paint;>>>One small can of black paint;>>>Three paint brushes;>>>One can of spray copper paint;>>>One stapler and one box of staples;>>>Two Boxes of push pins (clear);>>>Bag full of plastic vegetables for Jail and Engrs. Bunk Room;>>>Doweling;>>>Lumber:-4’ x 8’ Particle Board - 2-1" x 2" x 8' -- 5-2" x 4" x 8' -- 5-1" x 6" x 8' -- 6-1” x 12” x 8’ --2Work Accomplished:>>>Cut and stapled two duck canvas beds on two cots (Jail);>>>Cut and drilled a pair of bunk crosspieces (Jail);>>>Constructed a large map / drawing board and wooden frame for the Engineer’s Bunk Room;>>>Made up and hung two sets of bunk curtains on the two middle bunks (Engineer’s Bunk Room);>>>Upgraded all shelf legs, and added an additional shelf (Display Room);>>>Upgraded all models, drawings on display shelving, and map boards (Display and Engrs. Bunk Room);>>>Painted white cabinet Engineer’s Office (100%).Future Plans:>>>Make six more bunk chests;>>>Make one small bench;>>>Make a mantel board (Webster);>>>Make small display board for Jr. Officers Bunk Room;>>>Paint 24 pdr. Black;>>>Paint wooden Keg metal straps copper;>>>Naval Gun Carriage (special wood);>>>Flank Gun carriage (special wood);>>>Upgrade and Repair Display Case;>>>Put together a Frazee Base Webster / Mathews);>>>Need more CW models and pictures;>>>Paint small cardboard boxes for Magazine;>>>Bring older dishes and utensils for Dining Room;>>>Make new wine bottle labels (Mathews);>>>More colored wine bottles.Items to bring to the next working party:>>>4" x 4" x 5' Frazee Base (JLM);>>>Set of Spade Bits (JLM);>>>Tool Box (JLM);>>>Tool Bag (JLM);>>>Extension Cord Long and Short (JLM);>>>Electric Hand Saw (JLM);>>>Electric Drill, drill bits, drill fittings (JLM);>>>Set of Wine Bottle Labels (JLM);>>>Copper Paint (JLM);>>>Sewing Kit (JLM);>>>Roll of Painting Tape (JLM);>>>Colored Wine Bottles (All);>>>CW Models and Pictures suitable for framing (All);>>>Small Cardboard Boxes (All);>>>Older Dishes and Utensils (All);Lt. General Grant; I wish to call your attention to the excellent cabinet - making ability and carpentry expertise of 2nd Lt. John Proctor. He has been most diligent in pursuing the required work at Fort Trumbull In the short period of this year and last years involvement, he has shown is ability through his wood-working ability to produce a both a listing of materials, drawings of intended work and then producing those items in a minimum of time. These efforts are all very clearly marked in the continued production of the works at Fort Trumbull.I must also call your attention to Lady Heidi Webster, who has been very vigorous in pursuing the work undertaken to provide curtains, and bunk / cot covers for the interior rooms in the fort.Your Most Humble and Diligent Servant;Very Respectfully;Ian McKay, Brigadier-General of Engineers (by brevet);Chief Engineer and Chief of Staff (Acting);Lt. General U. S. Grant's Military and Personal StaffsandCdr -- NETE